If you rent a property in Australia, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll experience a routine rental inspection during your tenancy.
These inspections can cause stress because many tenants don’t know what to expect (or what’s expected of them!)
Thankfully this rental inspection checklist will reduce your stress levels and help you prepare for your next routine inspection.
What is a routine rental inspection, and how often are they performed?
If your rental property is managed through a real estate agent, you should expect your property manager to perform a regular inspection.
This inspection is done as part of your agent’s responsibilities to the property owner for two main reasons:
- To ensure the rental property is being cared for; and
- That any repair/maintenance issues are reported/addressed.
In most tenancies, you should expect a routine inspection to take place a few times a year.
Landlords and agents cannot turn up and ask to inspect your home or tell you they’re coming around the next day. By law, they must provide you with adequate notice.
In NSW: The notice required to inspect the property is at least seven days written notice each time, up to four times in a 12-month period.
In most cases, you and your landlord/agent should agree on a mutually convenient time and day for the inspection.
You’re welcome to be present while a routine inspection occurs, but it’s not required.
An inspection will typically include the following checks:
- Ensure the property is being maintained in a clean and tidy condition;
- Check the grounds are being maintained in a clean and tidy condition (things like mowing, weed removal and lawn watering);
- Ensure the property hasn’t been damaged in any way;
- Confirm there are no more people living in the home than what you specified on the rental agreement;
- Make sure no pets are living at the property unless they’re allowed to; and
- Identify any maintenance issues
What is the purpose of a routine rental inspection?
Rental inspections are not a test to see how tidy your house is. In fact, they’re designed to identify any problems that could require maintenance or repair and to ensure the place is being looked after.
In most cases, the property manager will walk through the rental property and note down any problems to review when they return to their office.
They will also note down any new damage they’ve seen at the property or things that could violate your rental agreement (like hiding Fido when your agreement says ‘no pets’).
How do I best prepare for a routine inspection?
There are a few simple things you can do to ensure your rental inspection runs smoothly.
- Notify your property manager if there has been any change to your mobile number, bank details or email address. This will keep the lines of communication open. It’ll also make it easier to notify you if any problems come up during or after the inspection.
- If you have pets, keep them secured during the rental inspection.
- Note down any repair or maintenance problems you notice in the quarter leading up to the inspection and fill out the necessary maintenance request forms.
Prepare your home with this routine rental inspection checklist
Learning to go over your property with a critical eye will help you get the most out of your next property inspection. To help you succeed at your next rental inspection, Rent.com.au has developed a handy checklist for your use.
Your living room
Lights | Do all your lights work? Switch them on and off to double-check. Consider looking at the light fittings for loose cables and make a note if you spot anything. Give all light switches a once-over with a cloth to remove residue or leftover prints. |
Walls | The condition of your walls is important. If you’re renting, small ‘wear and tear‘-style cracks shouldn’t worry you, but note them down, so you’re not hit with any surprise costs. Look along the bottom edging of your wall for any rising dampness. |
Floorboards | While they’re a nice alternative to carpet, floorboards can easily show signs of wear and can be expensive to fix. Checks for creaks by walking over your floor, but also have a look to see if your floorboards have started to come up at the edges. |

Your kitchen and bathroom
Sinks and plumbing | Checked your taps recently? It might seem harmless, but a dripping tap can add extra (unwanted) costs to your utility bills. If you have a dripping tap, it could be as simple as replacing a washer. When you turn the taps on, listen for any strange sounds. It wouldn’t hurt to check under your sink for possible leaks. |
Kitchen appliances and fittings | No one likes to clean their oven, but it’s a key spot your agent will check. Open your stove, run your finger over the range hood and give the stovetop an extensive scrub.
If there’s built-up grease around these areas, your property manager will probably tell you about it in your inspection report. If your microwave and fridge were included in your property, open them and check they’re clean. |
Tiles and surfaces | It’s all about the shine when it comes to your next inspection. Clean away any residual debris and scrub hard. The same goes for your sink, mirror, shower and bathtub too. |
The toilet | Do an extra check around the toilet and bin areas. It’ll give you an idea of how much love you’re giving that area (and what needs to be improved on!) Good opportunity to give your loo a clean. |
The cupboards | The hinges of your cupboards and joins of your shelves in your kitchen and bathroom can catch food residue and grime. |

Your bedroom
Walls and floorboards | Just as you did in the living room, look at the state of your walls and floorboards. This will give you a good indication of how much love your bedroom needs. Consider giving them a little extra TLC where you can. |
Windows and doors | Open your windows and doors and let the air in. Check the handles and locks on everything where appropriate. Sliding doors and windows can easily fall into disrepair. |
General clean-up | Your landlord or property manager isn’t likely to poke around in your bedroom too much, but giving it a good once-over, throwing away any rubbish and wiping down exposed surfaces will give a good impression during your routine inspection. |

Your property’s exterior
Cobwebs | Cobwebs can be a nuisance, but you must clear them ahead of your inspection. Sweep around the exterior of your property and clear any cobwebs away. | |
Entrance doors | Are the locks and handles functioning properly? How’s the fly screen looking? Dust or wipe down the doors if they need it. | |
Garage | If your property comes with a garage, check the doors. Do they work properly? Ensure the whole space is kept relatively clean and well-organised. | |
Gates and garden | Now’s the time to look for any non-human residents your home might be housing. If your property has gates or a garden, look over them as well. Make sure your lawn is watered and that any weeds are removed. |